AMS-Accredited School
100% of our teachers are Montessori credentialed   ➤

Admissions Process

The Admission Tour

The Admissions Tour is the first step in the application process. It is specifically designed for the adult caretakers of the child. We ask that you do not bring your children for this first visit. At this first introduction, we provide you with information about our school, method of education, and who we are as individuals and a community. You will have the opportunity to see our facility, our children and our teachers in action. The Admissions Tour should provide you with enough information to comfortably decide whether or not you would like to apply to our school.

The Application

The questions on our Application are designed to give a sense of your child as a unique individual and the values around which you have built your family. Upon receipt of your application and accompanying documents, we will contact you to arrange your child’s class visit. Please be mindful that we cannot process your child’s application until all of your child’s records have been received.

You must have completed a Virtual Tour to apply for admission.

The Class Visit

This visit is an opportunity for your child to be in a classroom and meet with one of our teachers.  The purpose is two-fold: it provides parents with an opportunity to know how their child responds in a Montessori classroom, and it allows the teacher to interact with your child. The teacher will present lessons as a way to become acquainted with your child and look at some of his/her interests and learning styles. This is not a test, it merely allows us to determine whether or not your child is interested by our method of education.

The Parent/Guardian Meeting

This is an opportunity to have your questions answered and to meet with school administration.  We continue to ask the question, “Is our school and your family a match?”


The school’s Admission Committee will review your file and inform you of their decision within two weeks of your Parent/Guardian Meeting.